Basic But Boujee Sweet Spot

MONTHLY | Issue 1 | July 2024

If you’re like me, it’s likely you like sweet things, but they are quite low on the pro list.

Like so low that you also probably forget to consider dessert when entertaining.

Yes, the same. Well, recently, in my stew classes, I was in the same predicament, and while the night was full and fun—more class than dinner party—I did feel a sweet kiss was required, but more a full stop than anything else.

So we came up with this simple but delightfully surprising combo:

Vanilla ice cream: you can go basic here. I stand behind Blue Ribbon for the years of happiness it’s provided me. From my grandmother’s freezer, where she scooped it into bowls with jelly, until now, when I scoop it into cones with sprinkles for my kids. I like it.

Orange zest: This must be done directly over the prepped ice cream so that all the orange oil spritzes over the scoops and zesty peel.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: You. Must. Not. Scimp. Here. It should be bold, grassy, fresh and green. You should love the taste!

Seasalt flakes: Just a tiny pinch for that sweet and salty mash-up we have all come to adore.

My hot tip is to pre-scoop and tray up all the ramekins and have them sitting in the freezer so the finishing touches can happen quickly.

It is both very fancy and low-brow all at once. Which is perfect when it comes to food.


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