Non-sticking the stickiest pan

Undoubtedly you have seen this already but I needed to test it for myself, naturally.

It does indeed work.

The keys things are :

  • Heat the pan until water beads when splashed on it. not sizzles and evaporates.

  • Allow time. this video took 6.5mins to make… so heating a pan properly can take about 5minutes!

  • Never add the oil as the pan is heating, it will burn.

  • Make sure whatever you are panfrying is at room temp (science explains below).

  • This works on stainless, cast iron, black steel and enamel coated cookware too.

Science explains:

When you heat your pan to the Leidenfrost point, which is roughly double the boiling point of water, you'll notice droplets skittering and dancing across the surface. This happens because a thin layer of vapor forms beneath the droplets, lifting them from the pan's surface.

The same principle applies to frying food. The moisture in the food creates a similar effect, allowing it to glide easily over the vaporized layer. To take advantage of this, always preheat your pan before adding oil. Remember that to keep the non-stick effect, the pan must stay at that high temperature. This means it's best to let your food reach room temperature before cooking, as adding frozen or cold food can cause the pan's temperature to drop suddenly and significantly.

Enjoy your teflon free non-sticking pans!


Trussing & Roasting Chicken