Easter Grapes

Big ticket parenting
Do nothing, eat chocolate, drink grapes, etc. 
Or combine all of that into this too simple to even have a recipe recipe. 
Melt some chocolate. 
Skewer and dip grapes. 
Pop them onto baking paper. 
Sprinkle with sprinkles. 
Set in fridge. 
#easyeaster #chocolateegg #chocolategrapes 


PREP TIME not much

DIFFICULTY easy peasy

Instructions FOR THE KIDS! - but parents need to read also:

  1. ask the grown-ups to buy you some grapes (1kg), chocolate (300gm), sprinkles and toothpicks or skewers.

  2. prep your workspace. sorry, I know, I'll try not to be boring again. but you need a tray with baking paper on it. a bowl for choc AND a couple of skewers each.

  3. take all the grapes off the stalks and share them between each person.

  4. smash choc by whacking it on hard things while it's still in the pack then put it all in the bowl. 

  5. get the same grownups who bought the grapes (or find new ones if they complain, grownups get bored/tired/fed up really quickly) to melt choc

Grown ups!

Microwave: in a glass bowl zap the choc in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes in 30 second intervals. Let it sit till it's all melted then stir till smooth with a fork. 

Double boil: place 6cm water into a small saucepan over medium heat. place a larger bowl over  the saucepan so that it seals like a lid. Once water is steaming, stir the chocolate occasionally until smooth. About 10 mins. 

Remove the bowl and wrap in a tea towel to keep warm and protect your hands. Please be careful. It's HOT. allow to cool slightly and stay with your kids to supervise while they dip!

6. Poke the grapes with a skewer one at a time and dip in choc. 

7. use the other skewer to push the choc grape off and onto the paper on the tray (so your fingers don't get deliciously messy)

8. Once you've dipped all the grapes and put them on the tray, then sprinkle them with sprinkles! HEAPS. 

9. put the tray in the fridge for 10 mins to set. While that is happening lick your fingers super clean and tell a grown-up they have some cleaning up to do or there'll be ZERO sleep-ins this weekend. 

10. eat grapes. Maybe let the adults have one just to show off how good they are, but then RUNNNNN away!

Grown ups, again:

Naturally there are notes I have on this like:

  • Dark cho is great but don’t use 95% chocolate (this literally tastes like dogshit to kids)

  • Use room temp grapes so they don’t get dewy

  • Up the ante and find super sweet fairy floss grapes 

  • You can do other fruit, but then the “egg” aesthetic would be slightly off. 

  • Melted chocolate is hot! <Insert all precautionary warning about supervising your kids and making sure they are safe!!!>

  • Set the kids up, let them do it


Easter Love Buns