How to Debone Smoked Trout

  1. Place the trout on a clean work surface, head facing towards you. 

  2. Begin between the head and the body, at the lower side of jaw area and begin skin back towards the tail in as large a sheet as possible. 

  3. Once that side is skinless, using your thumbs, gently feel along the centre line (inidcating spine) and push into the flesh and slide it off the rib bones in chunks. You should always do this in the direction of the bones which is clear by the lines in the flesh. 

  4. Repeat the same acton with the top spine bones. 

  5. Some may come loose and require removing from the flesh, so keep an eye on it all while working. 

  6. Next, use the head (or remove it) and lift away the skeleton from the remaining flesh, spine and ribs included.

  7. Some flesh will remain, to remove this, flip spine over and repeat action as described above.  

  8. Remove any remaining attached skin from flesh. Now you should have 3 areas, skin, bone and flesh. 

  9. Make sure all bones are removed from flesh before using.


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