Branching Out.

MONTHLY | Issue 2 | August 2024

Mum would rip her whip to the shoulder to pluck a giant armful of the introduced tickweed - which I remember calling “wet the beds” - on her way past a crop that had escaped a cultivated garden and bloomed with strength in summer. They vase well.

Who has a secateurs in their car? Asking for a friend.

Look, I understand legally there isn’t many a spot you can veer to the roadside and prune a perfect branch of something for using at home. I grew up on a big property in the hunter, and pruning back bushes was sometimes a necessary step to clear over-growing tracks.

My point is though, don’t dismiss the branch. An opportunity to bring a moment of magic indoors and create a canopy of whimsy.

Branches, stems & large fronded palm leaves work beautifully to create the sense of an instant large-scale installation.

So, if you can’t pick or prune in your own yard, keep your eyes peeled at the florist.

Branches often last longer and have a surprisingly romantic impact on a space.


Is that a podium or…?


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