Creamy Bacon & Tomato Pasta

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 4-6

Cooking Time: 30 minutes


150g speck, fatty, sliced into matchsticks
1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped
1 tablespoon baby capers
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme
2 large garlic cloves
400g canned tomatoes
1/2 cup marinated grilled capsicum (1 large one)
1/2 cup thick cream
500g pasta shells
1 cup grated parmesan
1/4 cup gremolata (1/2 cup curly parsley leaves, zest of a lemon, 1 garlic clove, pinch of salt - finely chop everything and combine)


Add the speck to a cold deep pan over medium-high heat and begin to brown.

Add 1/4 cup of water and continue to fry/render the speck for 10 minutes until the water evaporates.

Add the chopped onion and sauté until golden brown, about 5 minutes.

Add the capers and garlic to the pan and sauté for another 3-5 minutes until golden but not burned.

Blend the canned tomatoes and marinated grilled capsicum until smooth and add them to the pan. Reduce the heat to low.

Simmer the sauce for 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta shells in plenty of salted water until they are just al dente.

Drain the pasta, reserving some of the pasta water, and add it to the pan with the sauce.

Pour in the thick cream and simmer for an additional 2 minutes to allow the pasta to absorb the flavors.

In a separate bowl, combine the grated parmesan and gremolata.

Sprinkle the parmesan gremolata mixture over the top.


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