Mid-Week 3-Way: Tomato

This weeks #midweekthreeway is proudly brought to you by these juicy handfuls.

I mean seriously LOOK AT THEM. I'd move country for a good tom. 

Eaten from the vine, they are the closest thing to eating sunshine I can get you. 

This one is actually hard, because how can I create JUST 3 things with these? Although I have just shown you the best recipe for these in the picture. cut. add salt. eat.

But let's go:

1. chop roughly. add to a pan of soft simmering oil,  garlic & salt. add a cup of chicken stock and some basil, simmer for ages, then blend with a stick mixer till smooth. This can be soup (plus a mandatory toasted cheese sandwich) or sauce (pizza, pasta, lasagne, yadda yadda). Absolutely perfect. 

2. combine oregano, lemon zest, pepper, garlic with some ricotta and parmesan. spread a 1cm layer on puff pastry, leaving an edge to fold up around the filling. layer with sliced tomatoes, drizzle with oil, fold up edges and bake on high till pastry is golden and great. eat warm topped with rocket. 

3. chop and saute in an ovenproof pan with garlic, red pepper, onion, capers, chilli, basil till thickened and soft. chuck some lightly oiled and seasoned fish on top (dealers choice) and pop in the oven at 200' and bake till fish done to your liking.


Sweet n Sour Wings


Rag Pasta w Peas + Prawns