Mother’s Day Brioche

Rhubarb compote - make ahead

1 bunch rhubarb - stalks only cut into 2cm chunks

1 orange - zest and juice

1 2cm pice ginger - grated

1 cUP brown sugar 

1 tsPN vanilla extract 

250 g frozen raspberries

4 brioches - I had a baker make the old school fluted buns. If you can’t do that just get a nice loaf and slice thickly. 

1 cUP cream

1 tsPN vanilla extract

4 eggs - beaten

1/2 cUP brown sugar

100 g unsalted butter


Combine the eggs, cream and vanilla to make your custard dip. 

Slice each brioche in half and allow to soak in the custard mix. If using sliced fresh bread don’t soak, just dip. 

In a non stick pan over medium heat allow the butter to foam with a bit of oil. 

Empty the sugar onto a flat plate and dip the egg soaked side of the brioche into the sugar, allowing a thick crust to form. 

Gently lower this into the bubbling butter and allow to cook on low, checking after 5mins. 

It should begin to set and form a toffee crust. 

Remove from heat once desired crust colour has been achieved and place in a warm oven while you complete the rest. 

Combine all the compote ingredients, except for the frozen berries, in a small saucepan over medium heat. Simmer until softened - I like to retain some form to the rhubarb and not make it completely mushy, but that is up to you!
Turn off and add the frozen raspberries to soften in remaining heat. 

Set aside until serving, can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for a week.

To serve, top the toffee side of each brioche with a big spoon of rhubarb compote and finish with a dollop of natural yoghurt or switch to ice cream for a decadent dessert. 


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