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MONTHLY | Issue 3 | Sept 2024

MAISON BALZAC - the Martini Glass

Whether you like it dirty, twisted or extra dry… this glass will maintain your elegance.

The Martini is the very first cocktail glass we designed and launched back in 2019. Adding an everlasting garnish was a world first (!) and received instant success!
Now, we have 10 cocktail glasses to join the Martini, so we have a big collection of playful and useful glasses. It is such a conversation starter and always surprises people to see this glass olive when they enjoy their last sip!

Maison Balzac is an iconic Australian brand - one of my favourites - although born by a super sexy French woman - also one of my favourites - so it boasts both cheek and chic. Add this to the gift and wish list immediately


NONIES FOOD - Activated Charcoal & Quinoa Bread

I met with a friend at a cafe who ordered us “Nonies charcoal toast, it’s the best!”. Yeah, yeah, I thought. Well, clearly as this is now on my permanent NEEDS list, they were oh so correct.

Chewy + crispy when toasted, it’s bloody excellent. Add a slab of Pepe Saya butter and lick of gluten free Vegemite and I am instantly happy, smug, calm and adhereing to my current paid for PHDer’s advise.

Late to the NONIE bonie party is standard,but for their 10th birthday they released these half loaves. Trying to help make the bread more accessible and not take over freezers (fuck yes, my freezer is more archeology than storage). They have 10% off the mini’s on the website with a code mini4me (for click and collect & markets customers. Other stockists here


COOK DINE HOST - Wok by Marion Grasby

I have been pining for a proper wok since covie. Although finding a suggestion was hard.

Option 1: A bougie pan brand upselling a deep frying pan.

Option 2: An Asian-mart wok designed to mock you (not true but feels).

Enter option 3: A cast steel pre-seasoned wok with a wooden charn (that’s a wok spatula) and a gorgeous wire spider (and this is a wire spiral skimmer). Intelligently designed by wonder chef Marion Grasby, it looks and feels as good as it performs.

I am talking even heat, crispy edges on rice, char on meat, bubbling beauty on eggs.

This is your moment to get one.


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