Steak Sambo w Mustard Beshy


PREP TIME 30 mins



2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
1 ½ c milk
1 tbsp grainy mustard
½ ts thyme
1 c grated cheddar or tasty cheese
1 smallish red capsicum, cores removed and sliced into 1cm strips
1 large brown onion, spelled and sliced into .5cm rings
1 tbs olive oil
6 1cm thick scotch fillet steaks (things like this moment alone are the reason to get to know your butcher.)
100 gm baby rocket
1-2 baguettes
¼ c Salsa Verde. If you’re new here allow me to present this wonderful herb slurry recipe here, you can swap out any herbs you like. I advise you keep some in the fridge or freezer for these very moments. 


Allow the steaks to come to room temperature and season w salt. 

In a medium saucepan over low heat, heat the butter till melted. 1 min

Stir in the flour until well combined and turning lightly brown. 2 mins

Add the mustard and thyme and stir again. 

Add the milk ½ c at an time, whisking each time until smooth.  5 mins total

It should be thick and smooth. 

Add in the cheese, reducing heat to low and allow it to melt through. Stir often so nothing catches on the bottom. 5 mins

Set aside until ready to use. 

Preheat the bbq to high and preheat the oven grill to high. 

Toss capsicum and onion in olive oil until well coated and season with salt. 

Place on the flat part* of the bbq and resist turning too often as you are attempting to achieve a slight char on the edges of both. About 10 mins.

Brush the steaks with some oil also and place them on the slatted part* of the grill and allow to sear hard for 2mins, flip and cook for a further 1 minute. This is just right for a medium minute steak. 

Remove and rest. 

Butterfly a 15-20cm section of baguette and slather it in cheesy mustard besh. 

Place on a foil lined tray and under the grill until it begins to bubble - about 2-5mins. 

Top with capscum and onions, rocket, steak (sliced into fat strips, or not!) and drizzle with herb slurry. 

Smash the whole thing together and munch. 

Or, do what I do and eat it open like that layer by layer until your left with a cheesy steak soaked bread base. I know, I realise this renders me unworthy of a steak sanger but it’s how I am sometimes. 

*of course this assumption that you have both a flat and slatted side to your grill is pretty obnoxious. I do and it’s a fabulously worthy investment… however, if you don’t/won’t/can’t the entire lot can of course be cooked in a single frying pan. Capsicum and onions first, then set aside followed by steaks. Though these will need to be done in batches.


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