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Vegetarian Sarah Williams Vegetarian Sarah Williams

Hot Greek Salad–ish

A firm favourite from book one that deserves high rotation. It’s salad but it’s hot + it’s carby + it’s got cheese + it has a zingy passata party + it’s one pan baby, and feeds the lot.

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Lamb Brandon Wehbe Lamb Brandon Wehbe

Lamb, Zuke, Halloumi Skewers

I had to make these twice because round one my bbq caught fire, and I was delighted about it. They tasted great both ways but I’m 99% sure you would have unsubscribed.

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Mid-Week Brandon Wehbe Mid-Week Brandon Wehbe

Mid-Week 3-Way: Corn

Introducing you all to this playful page. Each week I’ll give you a quick 3 recipes ideas (a loose descriptor) with something seasonal/read lush and inexpensive!!

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