Grilled Rump & Stir Fry Noodles


PREP TIME 30 mins




2 ts light soy
1 ts shaoxing cooking wine
1 ts corn flour/starch
1 800g 2cm thick rump steak
2 ts oil


1 tbsp peanut oil
1 tbsp ginger, peeled & finely chopped
1 clove garlic, peeled and minced
1 spring onion, finely chopped
½ ts chicken stock powder
500 gm fresh rice noodles
2 ts sesame oil
1 bunch gai laan, leaves shredded, stalks trimmed thinly and into 4 cm lengths - switch out for any fave greens: broccolini, bok choy, beans, celery etc.


4 cloves garlic, peeled and thinly sliced
1 ts peanut oil
2 tbsp Oyster
¼ c light soy sauce
1 tbsp kecap manis (sweet dark soy)
1 tbsp White vinegar
1 tbsp water
1 ts sugar
1 tbsp corn flour/starch


  • Preheat the BBQ to high. 

  • Combine the marinade ingredients (except oil) and brush over the steak to coat. A good amount of time is as long as it takes to get to room temperature (15-20 mins). Warm a large serving bowl platter by running under hot water. 

Now… if you want everything sure hot, then at this point you must prepare everything in little bowls - It’s called Mis En Plussing Like A Boss - so that you can sizzle flip rest toss and serve in a quick 10–15mins! I strongly advise this with almost every recipe, however, I don't often follow, unless it comes to things like this. 

The reason you mis en plus is so you can cook fast, and the reason you need to cook fast has nothing to do with high turn over tables in a very popular restaurant, it’s because that is the nature of a stirfry. Alternatively you can ignore this and I hope the results are not the undynamic sloppy stew you are bound to achieve (more on my love of undynamic sloppy stews another time). Point made, received? TBC, let’s move on…BUT FAST, ready?

  • Steak on bbq. Set a mental timer of 5 mins - or basically a quick noodle stir fry:

  • In a large non-stick/well seasoned frying pan/wok, preheat the oil until it shimmers over high heat. Add in the ginger, garlic and shallots and stir. It should be fiercely bubble frying. Cook for 1 min then add the greens, toss again, and continue to cook until they begin to wilt 1-2 mins.

  • Add the sprinkle of chicken stock powder, stir through. Add the noodles on top - these should be at room temperature - separating the strands with your fingers into the pan. Toss (if you can flip these over and over a few times as opposed to clumsily thumbing at them with tongs or a spatula you will have “wholer”, perhaps even “hollier” noodles) well and allow the oodles to sear a little wherever there is contact. 

  • Add ¼ c water and the sesame oil, toss again and allow the water to steam up through noodles. Turn heat off. 

  • STEAK! Go flip it. Possibly about 6-7 mins by now, but that's ok, you have one fabulously charred side. Cook the other side for 4mins. Bring it inside to rest under foil

Ok, immense pressure has subsided. 

  • Tip noodles onto a warmed platter. Cover w foil. 

  • Combine all the sauce ingredients (aside from oil and garlic) in a bowl. 

  • In the same wok - cleaning is unnecessary - add the oil over high heat till it shimmers and add in the garlic. Toss well and cook until golden brown, 1-2 mins. 

  • Reduce heat to medium, pour in the sauce mixture and stir until thickened and glossy. Remove from heat. 

  • Slice steak to preferred thickness, then add it and its juices to the hot sauce and toss well. 

Serve the charry rare sauciness immediately with the oily rice noodles


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