Soupy Roast Chicken & Veg


PREP TIME 35 mins



6 chicken marylands
2 tbsp olive oil
1 red onion, peeled and thinly sliced 
1 punnet of cherry roma tomatoes, halved
2 zucchini, cut into 5 mm sticks
1 head of garlic, cut in half across the fattest bit of the belly.
1 c fresh herbs - any or all or some of these: rosemary, oregano, parsley, thyme, basil, finely chopped 
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 ts sugar
2 ts salt
½ c barley
1 ½ c chicken stock
100 g rocket


Preheat the oven to 220c. 

Season the chicken well with salt on all sides. 

In a large (enough to fit all chicken in a single layer) flame proof baking tray, sear the chicken in half the oil, skin side down until golden brown (5 mins). 

Set aside. 

Add remaining ingredients - remaining oil, onion, tomatoes, zucchini, garlic, herbs, vinegar, sugar and salt - into the hot pan and toss well to coat and combine. 

Nestle chicken in, skin side up, and place into the oven to roast for 25 mins. 

Meanwhile cook the barley: boil the stock in a medium saucepan and add the barley. Return to the boil then reduce to a low simmer, covered, for 25,mins and liquid has absorbed. If the barley needs draining, reserve the liquid to add to the chicken pan. 

Fluff the barley before serving. 

Remove pan from oven, add ½ cup of water if the liquid seems low then rest it under foil for 5mins. Serve the chicken on the piles of barley with the soft veg and a handful of fresh rocket, plus a ladle of pan juices. 


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